Nihongo to Tabi (日本語 to 旅)

Nihongo to Tabi is a relatively new YouTube channel, launched back in January of this year. The host and creator of the channel, who is unnamed, didn’t really start publishing videos at warp speed until May though. As this is being written, he’s currently up to 167 uploads! That’s quite the output for such a short time frame — at some points, he was even uploading every few days.

Though some videos are based on themes like karaoke or vehicles, the real draw is the grammar points, covering JLPT N4–N1 grammar. The host teaches each point in Japanese only, making this an excellent opportunity to listen and learn at the same time. He speaks slowly enough, adjusting the complexity of his Japanese by level, and repeats key words and phrases often. Besides the listening practice, there is plenty of text on the screen to test your reading ability too — a good reason to watch a video on a new concept several times. To top it all off, there is consistency in style and structure, so as you progress through or jump around, you can expect the same teaching and visual style throughout.

Right now, many of the videos are divided into chapters: explanation, form, examples, practice, and homework (with perhaps a few chapters added or removed). Unfortunately, the older uploads don’t have this handy navigation feature, but hopefully it will be added soon. [Tofugu Annotation]

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