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Random JLPT Level N5 Kanji  ( PDF version of this Kanji PDF version )

stroke order illustration  

Bushu (Radical) Info:
一 (いち) – one
卜 (ぼくのと) – divining rod
Henshall Mnemonic: bar with handle, sticking up over baseline
Levels: JLPT N5 | JLPT 4 (old) | Grade 1
Frequency: #35 of the 2500 most used kanji in newspapers

Common Words and/or Phrases Using this Kanji:

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JLPT N5 Words

  •   [うわぎ]
    (n) coat; tunic; jacket; outer garment   [K] [D] [Jisho]
  •   [うえ]
    (adj-no,n-adv,n,n-suf) above; over; on top of; up; upper part; summit; surface; far better; higher; (in) authority; as far as .. is concerned; besides; after; emperor; sovereign; upon (examination); influence of (liquor); lord; shogun; superior; my dear (father)   [K] [D] [Jisho]
  •   [じょうず]
    (adj-na,n) skill; skillful; dexterity   [K] [D] [Jisho]

JLPT N4 Words

  • げる   [さしあげる]
    (v1) (pol) to give; to hold up; to lift up; to offer   [K] [D] [Jisho]
  • がる   [あがる]
    (v5r) (1) to enter; to go up; to rise; to climb up; to advance; to appreciate; to be promoted; to improve; to call on; to be offered; to accrue; (2) to be finished; to go bankrupt; to be caught; to let up (rain); (3) to weaken (as a battery); (4) to get ruffled   [K] [D] [Jisho]
  • げる   [あげる]
    (v1) to give; to raise; to elevate; to fly (kites); to praise; to increase; to advance; to promote; to vomit; to usher in; to admit; to send (to school); to offer; to present; to leave with; to finish; to arrange (expenses); to observe; to perform; to quote; to mention; to bear (a child); to improve (talents); to do up (the hair); to arrest; to engage; to fry; (rains) to stop   [K] [D] [Jisho]
  • げる   [もうしあげる]
    (v1) to say; to tell; to state   [K] [D] [Jisho]
  •   [いじょう]
    (n-adv,n-t) more than; exceeding; greater than; this is all; over; above; and up; beyond; the above-mentioned; since; as long as; the end   [K] [D] [Jisho]
  •   [おくじょう]
    (n) rooftop   [K] [D] [Jisho]
  • がる   [めしあがる]
    (v5r) (pol) to eat   [K] [D] [Jisho]

JLPT N3 Words

  •   [じょうたつ]
    (n,vs) improvement; advance; progress   [K] [D] [Jisho]
  •   [かみ]
    (n) top; head; upper part; upper stream; emperor; a superior; upper part of the body; the above   [K] [D] [Jisho]
  •   [じょう]
    (n,pref,suf) (1) first volume; (2) superior quality; (3) governmental; imperial; top; best; high class; going up; presenting; showing; aboard a ship or vehicle; from the standpoint of; as a matter of (fact)   [K] [D] [Jisho]
  •   [じょうとう]
    (adj-na,n) superiority; first-class; very good   [K] [D] [Jisho]
  •   [としうえ]
    (n) older; senior   [K] [D] [Jisho]
  • がる   [たちあがる]
    (v5r) to stand up   [K] [D] [Jisho]
  •   [じょうきょう]
    (n,vs) proceeding to the capital (Tokyo)   [K] [D] [Jisho]
  • げる   [とりあげる]
    (v1) to take up; to pick up; to disqualify; to confiscate; to deprive   [K] [D] [Jisho]
  •   [ちょうじょう]
    (n) top; summit; peak   [K] [D] [Jisho]

JLPT N2 Words

  •   [じょうひん]
    (adj-na,n) elegant; refined; polished   [K] [D] [Jisho]
  • り   [のぼり]
    (n) (1) ascent; climbing; (2) up-train (e.g. going to Tokyo)   [K] [D] [Jisho]
  • る   [のぼる]
    (v5r) (1) to rise; to ascend; to go up; to climb; (2) to go to (the capital); (3) to be promoted; (4) to add up to; (5) to advance (in price); (6) to sail up; (7) to come up (on the agenda)   [K] [D] [Jisho]
  •   [じょうげ]
    (n,vs) high and low; up and down; unloading and loading; praising and blaming   [K] [D] [Jisho]
  •   [じょうきゅう]
    (n) advanced level; high grade; senior   [K] [D] [Jisho]
  • がり   [できあがり]
    (n) finish; completion; ready; made for; cut out   [K] [D] [Jisho]

JLPT N1 Words

    Other Popular Words Not Classified by JLPT

    •   [じょうたい]
      (n) upper part of the body   [K] [D] [Jisho]
    • せる   [のぼせる]
      (v1) to feel dizzy; to have blood rush to one's head; to become conceited   [K] [D] [Jisho]
    • げ   [どうあげ]
      (n,vs) lifting a person high; carry someone on shoulders   [K] [D] [Jisho]
    • げる   [とりあげる]
      (v1) to take up; to pick up; to disqualify; to confiscate; to deprive   [K] [D] [Jisho]
    •   [さいじょう]
      (adj-na,n) best   [K] [D] [Jisho]
    • 々   [じょうじょう]
      (adj-na,n) the best; great; superb   [K] [D] [Jisho]
    •   [りくじょう]
      (n) land; ground; shore   [K] [D] [Jisho]
    •   [りくじょうきょうぎ]
      track-and-field events   [K] [D] [Jisho]
    • がったり   [あがったり]
      (n) poor business   [K] [D] [Jisho]
    •   [じょうでん]
      (n) high rice field; very fertile rice field   [K] [D] [Jisho]
    •   [りくじょうじえいたい]
      Ground Self-Defense Forces   [K] [D] [Jisho]
    •   [ずじょう]
      (n) overhead; high in sky   [K] [D] [Jisho]
    •   [かいじょう]
      (n) maritime   [K] [D] [Jisho]
    •   [かいじょうじえいたい]
      Maritime Self Defense Forces   [K] [D] [Jisho]
    • げ   [あげ]
      (n,n-suf) rise in price; making a tuck   [K] [D] [Jisho]
    •   [かいじょうほあんちょう]
      Maritime Safety Agency   [K] [D] [Jisho]
    •   [かみはんき]
      (n) first half of a year   [K] [D] [Jisho]
    •   [じょうはんしん]
      (n) upper half of body; bust   [K] [D] [Jisho]
    •   [うりあげきん]
      (n) proceeds   [K] [D] [Jisho]
    •   [うりあげだか]
      (n) sales; amount sold; proceeds   [K] [D] [Jisho]
    •   [しじょう]
      (n) on paper; in the newspapers; in a letter   [K] [D] [Jisho]
    • がり   [やすあがり]
      (adj-na,n) economy   [K] [D] [Jisho]
    • げ   [きりあげ]
      (n) end; conclusion   [K] [D] [Jisho]
    •   [どうじょう]
      (n) same as above; ditto; ibid.   [K] [D] [Jisho]
    •   [しじょう]
      (n) in a magazine   [K] [D] [Jisho]
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    The sofware used to generate this kanji information uses the EDICT and KANJIDIC files. These files are the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group at Monash University and are used in conformance with the Group's license.

    NOTE: I converted the sources just mentioned years ago and have never really updated so there may be some missing or incorrect information that has been addressed in the original sources but not here.

    The first Stroke Order image used on this page is courtesy of Ulrich Apel's excellent open source KanjiVG project. The second image is from the folks at the excellent Jisho Japanese-English dictionary site and it too is based on KanjiVG.

    Classifying the kanji and popular vocabulary by the new JLPT levels was done by consulting Jonathan Waller‘s JLPT Resources page, renshuu, Wictionary, and Nihongo Ichiban.

    The Henshall Mnemonics are the copyright of Tuttle Publishing and are the result of the hard work by Professor Henshall. See the list I used here.

    If you are curious about the lexicography shown in the word definitions, visit the WWWJDIC abbreviations and codes guide and the JMdict/Edict Lexicographical details page.